Missouri Right to Try Law- Psychedelic Medicine

The 2022 Missouri legislative session was significant for introducing a bill to bring the Missouri Right to Try law in line with the federal Right to Try statute. The federal statute was recently expanded to include psychedelic medicine, including psilocybin, DMT, mescaline and ibogaine.

The psychedelic assisted psychotherapy model currently uses ketamine, a legal pharmaceutical product. I was trained in ketamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP) in 2019, bringing this treatment to Missouri, Kansas and neighboring states.

As a licensed mental health provider working with psychedelics, I testified to the potential of these medicines. My testimony included the vital need for improved treatment, its safety and the urgency around expanding access. Many people are suffering that would only use a permission structure that allows them to safely use these medicines. without criminal penalty. Although research on making psychedelic substances widely available in clinical setting is robust and ongoing, it is years away from full FDA approval. That’s too long to wait for those living under the weight of treatment resistant depression, anxiety and PTSD.

House Bill 2850 specifically included psychedelic substances known to decrease symptoms of depression and PTSD. Although HB 2850 did not make it out of the House Health and Mental Health Policy Committee, there was wide agreement that Missouri, like most states, is facing a mental health crisis.

The interest in psychedelic assisted therapy will continue in Missouri. For more information on the bill and similar bills across the country, see the article linked below. If you are moved to advocate for polices to expand access in the state, I am happy to provide information.

GOP Missouri Lawmaker Files Psychedelics Therapy and Decriminalization Bill


Psychedelic Integration


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